Hai Guise! Welcome to Witch's WitchMe blog and I hope you can follow, comment, and do whatever to help this out(:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Witchme Forum Party, 300 Members HEADS UP!

Hey guys!:'D
My forum, http://witchmeforum.com/ is hitting 300 members soon! There are currently 285 members. Once we get 300 members, I'm gonna throw a party and EVERYONE IS INVITED!

During the party I'll announce something important, so you should be there to hear for yourself. 
This is just a heads up, but once we do get the big 300, you better come to the party. (:
I, Witch, will be there of course, along with our fantastic Forum members.

Keep flying!


  1. cool i'm a big fan of your blog and hope to be at the big party!
    ps im peacesign957

  2. Hi
    How to enter the site to Play ??

  3. hi!! are you still active? i'd like to ask a few questions
