Hai Guise! Welcome to Witch's WitchMe blog and I hope you can follow, comment, and do whatever to help this out(:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Need anymore ecoins? Well your in luck! WitchMe added new features to the Magic Shop! Now you can buy ecoin Mystery boxes with Marbles and see if you get ecoins! The bigger mystery box varies from 60-600 ecoins, and the smaller one is 30-300. See what's in store for you at the Magic Shop (:

Also, now at the beach if you shoot at the crab man in the pirate ship or the shark, you can get something special. It depends on your timing, though. I haven't gotten anything good quite yet but I'll make a new post later saying what it gives you! (:

Finally, you can sort of play volleyball at the beach! There's a pink volleyball that you can hit by running over it... LOL!

Now for the pictures.


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